Arnside WI & Village Hall Hiring Agreement
(1) Arnside WI & Village Hall Management Committee
(2) The Hirer/Organisation named in clause 2.3
AGREED as follows:
1. Throughout this Agreement:
The Arnside WI & Village Hall named in clause 2.2 is referred to as “we”; “our” is to be construed accordingly and “we” and “us” mean and include the Arnside WI & Village Hall’s management committee, charity trustees, employees, volunteers, agents and invitees.
The person or organisation named in clause 2.3 is referred to as “you”; and “your” is to be construed accordingly; “you” also includes the members of your management committee (if appropriate), your employees, volunteers, agents and invitees.
Where you must seek our consent, tell us about something or give us something, you must speak to and seek consent from the Booking Secretary or, if the Booking Secretary is not available, any of our Management Committee
2. In consideration of the hire fee described in clause 2.4, we agree to permit you to use the premises described in clause 2.5 for the purpose described in clause 2.6 for the period(s) described in clause 2.1. The details inserted in sub-clauses 2.1 to 2.6 below and the answers to the questions in sub-clauses 2.7 to 2.11 are terms of this Agreement. This Agreement includes the annexed Standard Conditions of Hire and the Special Conditions of Hire (if any) set out in the attached Schedule.
2.1 Date(s) required:
Day(s) Month/s
Time Required (Hours) From: To:
To include preparation & clearing time on the day
Preparation Time required on the day prior to the event From: To:
Additional Time required for clearing on the day after the event From: To:
Please Note that your Use of the Hall is restricted to the Dates/Times requested on your Hiring Agreement
Curfew Times – Hirers are to respect the curfew times:
Mon – Saturday 12pm Midnight
Sunday 10.30pm
2.2 Village Hall
(a) Registered Charity No: 230304
(b) Authorised Representative Mrs Lindy Brough, Booking Secretary.
Address: 53, Church Hill, Arnside, LA5 0DW. Telephone Number & Email Tel. 01524 761752 Email: [email protected]
2.3 Hirer:
(a) Name
(b) Organisation
(c) Name of Organisation’s Authorised Representative, Address, Telephone Numbers & Email
2.4 Hire Fee
Hire Fee. £
Deposit £
Special deposit £
The Hirer shall pay as deposit at least one third of the cost of the booking when the agreement is signed-the balance of the booking fee being payable on or before the date of the event for which the premises are being hired.
We will refund any Special deposit required (to cover damage, loss etc) for your booking within 28 days following the period of hire provided that no damage or loss has been caused to the premises and/or contents, nor complaints made to us about noise or other disturbance during the period of the hiring as a result of the hiring.
Balance £
Is this a commercial event. Yes / No
2.5 Premises. Please indicate requirements:
Main Hall. Yes / No
Kitchen Yes / No
Committee Room. Yes / No
Storage of equipment Any Equipment brought into the Hall must be removed immediately following the event unless special permission is obtained from us.
Please see Standard Condition 15
2.6 Purpose/description of hiring: (Please indicate in the box below.)
2.7 Will tickets be sold for your event? Yes / No
2.8 Is food to be provided at the event? Yes / No
2.9 Is alcohol to be provided at the event? Yes / No
2.10 Will there be exhibition of a film? Yes / No
2.11 Will live music be performed or recorded music played? Yes / No
2.12 Will you be using a bouncy castle or any other inflatable devices Yes / No
You agree not to bring into the Hall or grounds any bouncy castles or other inflatable devices without permission and first providing the Booking Secretary with evidence of full public liability insurance for the device.
3. You agree not to exceed the maximum permitted number of people per room including the organisers/performers
Main hall: 120 (100 seated)
Committee room: 12
4. The hall does not have a licence:
For the sale of Alcohol with the Performing Right Society (PRS) for the performance of copyright music for Phonographic Performance Licence (PPL).
4.1 We have a Premises Licence authorising regulated entertainment only. You hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the conditions of the Premises Licence and/or Operating Schedule for the premises, in accordance with which the hiring must be undertaken, and agree to apply with all obligations therein.
(i) You agree that if regulated entertainment, not covered by our Premises Licence, is to be held you must obtain our consent to give notice of a TEN* to the licensing authority. We will advise if a TEN is not needed.
(ii) You agree to give us notice of your intention to provide alcohol at the event and to give notice of a TEN to the licensing authority.
If you fail to comply with (i) or (ii) above, we will cancel the hiring without compensation. This is because there is a limit on the number of TENs that can be granted annually for any premises. Lack of co-operation could
affect future fundraising by us and by local voluntary organisations. *TEN – Temporary Events Notice
4.2. The hall is not on the Council Waste Removal Round, therefore all waste- including bottles and plastics must be removed from the premises at the end of the hire. If rubbish is left an extra charge will have to be made.
5. You agree with us to be present (by your authorised representative, if appropriate) during the hiring and to comply fully with this Agreement.
6. We and you hereby agree that the Standard Conditions of Hire (attached), together with the Hall’s Health & Safety Policy (attached) and any additional conditions imposed under the Premises Licence or that we deem necessary, form part of the terms of this Agreement unless we and you agree in writing.
7. None of the provisions of this Agreement are intended to or will operate to confer any benefit pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 on a person who is not named as a party to this Agreement.
Signed by the person named at 2.3(a) above or at 2.3(c) above, duly authorised, on behalf of the organisation named at 2.3(b) above, where applicable.
Please complete the signed Hiring Agreement and Return to:
Mrs Lindy Brough, Booking Secretary, 53, Church Hill, Arnside, LA5 0DW. Tel no 01524 761752. Email: [email protected]
Following completion by The Booking Secretary, a copy of the Agreement will be returned to the person applying for the Hire.
The Total Hiring Fee for your session/s in accordance with the details you have provided will be as follows.
Deposit/s Required:
Signed by the person named at 2.2(b) above, duly authorised, on behalf of Arnside WI & Village Hall Committee